Surface workplaces
Employees in the Netherlands are entitled to a safe and healthy workplace. Poorly designed workstations can lead to health problems and accidents. Standards for the establishment of a workplace must ensure that the employer can offer the right workplace.
What are workplace standards?
The key standards for the establishment of a workplace at the office are:
- At least four square meters per employee
- One square meter for a flat monitor
- Two square meters for any other type of monitor
- At least one square meter for reading and writing
- At least one square meter for the explanation of drawings
- One square meter for a detached or mobile drawer unit
- For a meeting room applies at least 2 square meters per person.
How are workplace standards determined?
The number of square meters for a department is the sum of the number of employees, the activities and the required equipment for the work. For office work it’s easier to capture than the establishment of work in a factory.
This kind of workplaces may vary considerably due to the nature of various productions, which could affect the application of the standards for the establishment of a workplace. It is, as almost always, a matter of custom-made specific solutions.
Laws and regulations on workplace standards
Article 3.19 of the Working Conditions Decree provides the legal basis for the minimum dimensions of office workstations. Article 3.19 states the following:
- The dimensions and the air volume of the workplace should be such that the employee can work without risk to his safety, health or welfare.
- The dimensions of the workplace should be such that the employee has sufficient freedom of movement to carry out his work.
- If, in connection with the nature of the work, the second paragraph can not be met, near the workplace must be another open or enclosed area available with adequate freedom of movement for workers concerned.
Occupational Health Decisions
The Conditions Decree also provides standards for aspects such as lighting, shading, temperature and the amount of fresh air. The equipment must meet safety standards, but must also be placed such that security is not compromised. There are several articles available in the Working Conditions Decree which make statements on workplace standards:
- Article 3.11: Floors, walls and ceilings of workplaces
- Article 3.12: Windows and skylights of the premises
- Article 3.13: Doors, movable fences and other passages
- Article 3.14: Connections
- Article 3.19: Dimensions and air volume in rooms: movements at the workplace
- Article 3.20: Rest rooms
- Article 3.21: Sleeping rooms
- Article 3.22: Changing rooms
- Article 3.23: Washrooms and shower rooms
- Article 3.24: Toilets and washbasins
- Article 3.25: First aid posts
Considerations in determining workplace standards
- Hygiene is an important part of the standards for the design of the workplace. Floors should be free of blemishes and dangerous slopes. Just like walls and ceilings, they should also be hygienic and easy to clean.
- Security is an important issue. Everyone should be able to easily reach his workplace and especially to leave quickly in case of an emergency. There must be adequate fire estinguishers and emergency routes. The emergency exits must be identifiable and free of obstructions.
- There must be a well-functioning emergency lighting.
- There must be special areas available where employees can take a break from their work. There are special requirements for toilets, washing and changing rooms and shower facilities.
- The furniture should be ergonomic. This means: it must we well suited to the job and the people who use it. For example, there must be sufficient space for feet and legs.
- Blinding and reflection at the workplace should be avoided.
- For a number of industries, there are additional requirements for the standards of the establishment of a workplace (construction, mining and transport industries).
OHD Articles explained:
Article 3.11. Floors, walls and ceilings of workplaces
- The floors of workplaces are as free as possible from bumps and dangerous slopes and furthermore as much as possible fixed, stable and stiff.
- The surfaces of floors, walls and ceilings of jobs are such that they can be cleaned and maintained easily.
- Confined spaces where work is carried out, taking into account the nature of the work, sufficient thermal insulation must be present.
- Transparent or translucent walls of workplaces are, as much as possible in relation to the nature of the workplace:
- clearly marked and made of safety material, or
- applied in such a manner or shielded that employees can not be injured.
Article 3.12: Windows and skylights of the premises
- If windows, skylights and ventilation devices can be opened and closed:
- this can be done safely,
- they can be arranged and fixed in a safe way, and
- they offer no danger in open position.
- Windows and skylights can be cleaned safely.
Article 3.13: Doors, movable fences and other passages
- The position, number and dimensions of doors, movable fences and other passages as well as the materials from which they are made, are tailored to the nature and use of the workplace.
- Transparent doors have a marking at eye level.
- Depending on the nature of the workplace and the work being carried out swinging doors must be transparent or having transparent panels.
- If doors or other passageways have transparent or translucent surfaces, effective measures are taken to prevent employees from being injured by accidental contact with those surfaces.
- Doors and movable gates that can get out of their guides are secured against pulling out, expiring or falling.
- Automatic doors and gates are operated so that they are harmless. They are equipped with easily recognizable protections that prevent employees from being injured.
- Automatic doors and gates can be opened by hand, unless they open automatically in case of a power failure.
- In the immediate vicinity of doors, movable fences or other passages primarily destined for vehicle traffic or transport, separate passages for pedestrians are present, unless the passageway is safe for pedestrians.
- The passages for pedestrians referred to in the eighth paragraph are clearly marked and free of obstructions.
- Chains or similar devices that are used to prevent a particular space is entered, are highly visible and suitably equipped prohibition or warning.
Article 3.14: Connections
- The roads in the workplace should be located and arranged in such way that they can be used easily, safely and in accordance with their intended use by pedestrians and vehicles.
- Workers performing in the vicinity of the connection must be prevented from risks.
- The dimensions of the connections must be tailored to the number of users and the nature of the work carried out in the business or establishment.
- If used on the connections, as far as it does not involve public roads, vehicles or public transports, the necessary traffic signs are established.
- In cases referred to in the fourth paragraph, a safe space for pedestrians is guaranteed or other effective measures for the protection of pedestrians are taken.
- The roads intended for vehicles or transport are located at a sufficient distance from other connecting at work.
- To the extent that the use or design of work so requires, the roads are clearly marked.
Article 3.19: Dimensions and air volume in rooms: movements at the workplace
- The dimensions and the air volume of the workplace are such that the employee can carry his work out without danger to health or safety.
- The dimensions of the workplace should be such that the employee has sufficient freedom of movement to carry out his work.
- If in connection with the nature of the work the second paragraph can not be met, in the vicinity of the workplace another open or enclosed area with adequate freedom of movement for workers concerned must be available.
Article 3.20: Rest rooms
In the business or establishment or in the immediate vicinity thereof is an easily accessible room available where employees can spend their breaks. This space is suitable for this purpose as well as, depending on the number of employees, large enough and equipped with plenty of tables and chairs.
Article 3.21: Sleeping rooms
For employees who, during the interval between the end and the beginning of the working day, have to stay in the business or establishment in which they work, a shelter must be available. A shelter is adequately equipped and is intended only for persons of the same seks.
Article 3.22: Changing rooms
- Every employee has a place to hang his clothes.
- For employees who must wear suitable protective clothing, effective, sufficiently spacious, suited with chairs or benches and to the sexes separate changing rooms must be available; these areas are located as far as possible in the vicinity of the open or closed spaces where the work is usually carried out. In this way, wet clothing can be dried if necessary.
- In the changing rooms clothing which the workers don’t wear during labor can be kept locked up safely and effectively.
- If circumstances require to keep protective clothing and personal clothing separated, they must be kept locked up safely and effectively.
Article 3.23: Washrooms and shower rooms
- If workers are exposed to dirt or dust, a washroom with an adequate number of washbasins must be available. The sinks are functional and placed into separate sexes; they have cold and, if necessary, hot running water.
- If workers are exposed to dirt, dust or high temperatures such that a cleansing of the body which includes more than hands and face or is inherent in the nature of their work or care for the health is needed, a sufficient number of showers is needed. The showers are separated to the sexes, sufficiently spacious, practical and furnished; the showers have hot and cold running water.
- If the shower or washing facilities and changing rooms are not located in the same space, they are mutually reachable.
Article 3.24. Toilets and washbasins
- In a business or establishment in the vicinity of the premises where employees perform their work a sufficient number of toilets must be available.
- In or in the immediate vicinity of the premises where the restrooms are located there must be a sufficient number of sinks.
- The toilets or toilet uses must be separated by sexes.
Article 3.25: First-Aid-Posts
- If the nature of the work and the associated dangers require so, in addition to article 15 of the Act, adequate first aid stations must be present in the business or establishment.
- First aid stations are clearly visible and instructions for first aid in case of accidents must be on site.
- The emergency number must be clearly visible in the first aid stations.
- First aid stations are equipped with the necessary first aid equipment.
- First aid stations are easily accessible to stretchers.
- First aid stations and first aid equipment should be provided with a sign with the provisions of or pursuant to Section 2 of Chapter 8.
WARNING: These rules are applicable in the Netherlands. For the English regulations, we advise you to contact the Technical Inspection Association.