Building permit
With our unit configurator you can easily realize your accommodation online. After entering the desired outer dimensions and the required inside height you have established the basis for your tailored (semi)permanent housing solution.
To inform you in the best possible way, we have added some further information in our configurator which might help you in your choices regarding, for example, the lighting, the standards for workplaces and the laying of the foundation. Below you will find specific information about the necessity of applying for a building permit.
Who used to go building in the past, needed several permits, such as a building permit, a demolition permit and an environmental permit. The application process has been made easier and the licenses have been merged into one permit: the environmental permit.
ATTENTION: a building permit is not always necessary. A dormer window, a skylight, an outbuilding, a satellite dish or a yard/garden fence can usually be build without a permit. However, this rule does not apply to monuments and buildings in the conservation area. On following link you will find specific information about the rules for a building permit in the UK:
If you are unsure whether you can start the building project unlicensed, we suggest you to seek advice from the Public Affairs Department at the town hall. In this way, you will avoid problems later.
Yet to submit an application for a building permit?
You want to create a temporary building for a certain period. For that purpose, broadly two regulations apply, which will be used as well as a basis for this task:
- General Provisions Environmental Law / Environmental Permit
- Decree 2012
Law on Spatial Planning, Article 3.22; temporary exemption
With article 3.22 (Law on Spatial Planning) exemption from the provisions of a plan may be granted for a limited period. This is a socalled “outside the plan” exemption. The maximum period for which an exemption can be given is 5 years. After this period, it is obligatory to bring the anomaly either back in its original state or in agreement with the current zoning scheme.
ATTENTION: it must be a temporary need. When granting an exemption for a certain period, a procedure should be conducted. The intention to give an exemption must be explained. Views against this intention can be made by anyone.
Decree 2012, Article 1.14; Temporary construction
On building a temporaty structure, the terms in chapters 2 – 6 apply for an existing building, unless otherwise indicated in the department relevant for a certain description. In this statement we have based ourselves on the minimum requirements of a building permit.
Request authorization, what is needed?
- The documents required to apply for an environmental permit, including:
- Map / elevations drawing
- Situation Drawing (ACAD file should be commissioned by the client)
- Any necessary foundation calculations, have to be provided by third parties. These are not included.
- Structural calculations, if required, have to be provided by Tribute Space. These are not included.
- Any required harvesting and / or timber licenses, have to be provided by third parties. These are not included.
- Any necessary excavation permits, have to be provided by third parties. These are not included.
- Any other kinds of legal charges are not included.
- The request of the necessary permits for the work location have to be done by the client and are the client’s responsibility.
WARNING: These rules are applicable in the Netherlands. For the English regulations, we advise you to contact your municipality.